Technical Papers


Link Between Measurement and Simulation Applied to Antenna Scattering and Placement Problems

Technical Publications
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Recent use of measured data as near field sources in Computational Electro Magnetic (CEM) tools has opened the possibility to represent antennas in numerical simulations, even when the antenna characteristics and geometry are unknown and therefore cannot be included in a full wave model [1-4]. The near field source consists of an equivalent current representation of the antenna, which is prepared by the inverse source method from the measured radiation pattern [5-9]. This link bringing together numerical simulations and antenna measurements has been validated by a proper campaign, that involves MVG and different software (SW) vendors [10-15]. In the first part of this paper, the latest results of the validation are presented completing the activities described in [1-3]. In the second part of the paper, the link between measurements and simulations has been applied to more complex and/or realistic problems, including scattering problems.


Microwave Vision: From RF Safety to Medical Imaging

Technical Publications
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

This article gives an overview of the activities of the company Microwave Vision, formerly Satimo, oriented to health-related applications. The existing products in terms of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurement and RF safety are described in detail. The progress of the development of a new imaging modality for breast pathology detection using microwaves is shortly reported.


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