
mm-Wave Chip Reference Antennas

  • Category:Antenna
  • Phone: 139 2280 1117
  • Tel: +86 755 8356 6617
  • Email:
  • Time: 2020-12-24 15:06
  • Business introduction

  • Technical performance

    • High stability

    • Excellent correlation between measurements and analysis

    • High efficiency

  • Design

    • Designed to minimize interaction with micro-probe

    • Patented EBG structure to suppress surface wave radiation

    • Three different versions for upper/lower hemisphere and two polarization orientations.

    • Compatible with 150μm-250μm pitch microprobes

    • Each antenna comes with a unique Serial Number for traceability

  • Repeatability

    • Hermetic material

    • Gold conductors

    • High tolerance for temperature variations

  • Delivered documents

    • Typical performance data (TYMEDA™)

    • Measured return loss data

Previous:Monopoles Next:Wideband Dipoles

Contact Us

Phone: 139 2280 1117

Tel: +86 755 8356 6617


Address: Flat/RM 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South,  Tsim Sha Tsui, KL, Hongkong

the qr code