
Argos Tx / Rx Ultra Compact Terminal Antennas

  • Category:Antenna
  • Phone: 139 2280 1117
  • Tel: +86 755 8356 6617
  • Email:
  • Time: 2020-12-24 15:15
  • Business introduction

  • Technical Performance

    • Maximum gain values at low elevation angles

    • Rotational symmetry of radiation pattern

    • Dual frequency operation (Tx and Rx)

    • Natural circular polarization

  • Design

    • Ultra compact dimensions compared to the wavelength

    • Lightweight

    • Integrated diplexer

  • Surface treatment

    • Alodine 1200 according to MIL-C 5541 E class 3

  • Delivered documents

    • Typical performance data (TYMEDATM)

    • Measured return loss

  • Equipment

    • Radome for outdoor applications (Optional)

    • Related services

      • Maintenance (Optional)

    Contact Us

    Phone: 139 2280 1117

    Tel: +86 755 8356 6617


    Address: Flat/RM 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South,  Tsim Sha Tsui, KL, Hongkong

    the qr code