SAR system

Validation Dipole

  • Category:SAR system
  • Phone: 139 2280 1117
  • Tel: +86 755 8356 6617
  • Email:
  • Time: 2020-12-21 16:52
  • Business introduction

  • Function

    • Validates the overall set up of the system

  • Related standard

    • IEEE 1528; FCC OET Bulletin 65 (Ed. 97-01) supplement C; IEC 62209-1/ IEC 62209-2; EN 50361:2001; ANSI C63.19

  • Related equipment

    • COMOSAR bench, HAC bench

  • Industries

    • Solutions for Telecom

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Contact Us

Phone: 139 2280 1117

Tel: +86 755 8356 6617


Address: Flat/RM 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South,  Tsim Sha Tsui, KL, Hongkong

the qr code