Measurement Services

We can provide the following test items

Gain, directivity, beamwidth, cross polar discrimination, sidelobe levels, 3D radiation pattern, radiation pattern, globalstar registration and certification measurements in any polarization (linear or circular), antenna efficiency, either in transmit or receive mode, advanced post-processing.
Total Radiated Power (TRP), Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS), Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Effective Isotropic Sensitivity (EIS), GPS sensitivity (TIS, UHIS, PIGS, ICD).

Antenna measurement: the advantages of our SG and StarLab systems

Our systems can perform cylindrical or spherical measurements, based on our probe array technology. For passive (cable-fed) measurements, post-processing options include back projection and holography, allowing the determination of the field values at the aperture, or on a particular plane or radius. As opposed to traditional single probe mechanical scanning, our technology is based on electronic scanning of an array of probes. This technology is faster, reduces mechanical movements, simplifies mounting, reduces setup time, and improves accuracy and repeatability.

Contact Us

Phone: 139 2280 1117

Tel: +86 755 8356 6617


Address: Flat/RM 803, Chevalier House, 45-51 Chatham Road South,  Tsim Sha Tsui, KL, Hongkong

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